calafornia’s one of a kind. no state quite like it, except it itself.
calafornia’s one of a kind. no state quite like it, except it itself.
yeah, if four grams is equivalent to a cup of coffee than wouldn’t replacing all the wheat flour with coffee flour make for a lethal muffin™?
sure, if federal law can’t preempt state law, then let’s not allow state law to preempt local law. actually, i like his plan all right if it applies the same after replacing “federal” with “state” and “state” with “county/city/township/whatever”.
you could just read whatever strikes your fancy and, meanwhile, independently of that, try to be mindful of how your unconscious biases color your preferences and shape what “strikes your fancy”.
aw, but i’ve already got a great name picked out for him, new freeland. and enslaving the native people that live upon him and making myself a king would be very... what’s the word? profitable.
i hope you mean left-handed disabled lhotshampa poets. their voice has been suppressed in bhutan for too long.
i started reading the one on lithup and got to, (paraphrasing), “ima always keep my privileges in check all the time” and thought, pfffft, what you mean is you’re going to drone on and on, tediously, right? i mean, to what degree you can actually keep your privileges checked at all times, i don’t know, but i do know…
a feminist book club is so narrow. she should really start a *humanist* book club, am i right?
they were running the city “like a business.” when people say things should be run like a business, this is what they mean.
people keep saying this. i support sanders because his monomaniacal focus on wealth inequality. but what’s the story? why is clinton a self serving carpet-bagger, (i don’t even know what that means in the context of a national election)? why is this the message repeated over and over again? where’s it come from?
yeah, if your vote is your voice then it could do with more expressivity.
do you mean if there was a mandatory voting law like there is in australia? i think there’d need to be a minimum share of yes votes to win. one thing that bothers me is how linear the process of electing someone is, with each step narrowing the candidates until there’s one left, but never is there a point where new…
a bystander couldn’t have known, looking at the numbers on the jerseys, that numbers weren’t skipped, which means their jerseys were numbered as fraction, 1/1000, 2/1000, etc. so there’s the first lead: we have to find the manufacturer of fractional numbered jerseys.
i don’t know if i’m just getting old, but it seems like more tv and movies are super quite for dialog and blaringly loud for noise. i hate it forever and ever till my dying breath.
the idea of a democracy is that the outcome should be representative of what people *want*. voting against what you don’t want isn’t equivalent. maybe that’s how we’ve built a representative government that is so harmful to so many.
anyway, my point is the problem is systemic. for instance, why is an election…
why’s that wrong? if it’s wrong to only cast your vote for a candidate you actually want, then i’d say the problem is systemic.
i hope that’s an omen.
i was confused at first too, before i realized what she was saying mother nature and earth are the beautiful lands that she visits. where she’s living on a permanent basis, i can’t say, (by which, of course, i mean the conditions necessary for the name to be made manifest cannot coincide with those conditions…
no, the police aren’t the bottom. black people are. he’s saying black people need to fix the problem. they need to earn the police’s trust, and then the police will stop murdering kids playing at a playground. they might still shoot the kid, but, with the power of trust, they might call an ambulance for him.
there’s a saying that people can take a lot of adversity, but a little good luck can ruin them. lucas is a good example of that, i think.