
other people’s crimes aren’t my ethical problem, but our criminal justice system represents all of us.

i’ve always wondered why you could be punished as an adult when you weren’t one for reasons, but that, as far as i know, it’s never happened that a kid got the rights of an adult for reasons.

weird, i can’t imagine anything less entertaining than attending a wedding.

depends if it’s forcible.

i wonder what’ll happen in the next episode.


he ate most of the burger? the game is mostly gone? what’s that even mean?

yeah but a physical store sells things made of actual stuff that costs money to produce, transport and store, rather than moving bits around, so that’s not comparing like for like. if they were more like a regular store they’d have to buy stock in advance, which would mean they’d probably take a much keener interest

that sounds like “copy and paste? just type it out you lazy ass!”

good animation on that square. someone — i think it was a writer for gamefan — once said they’d play a game about a burlap sack if that burlap sack was animated well.

ah, give it time, we’ll be the next shitty old fogies soon enough.

it could be a fantastic premise for a story, but it would *have* to end with von Schmidt discovering she was a jew and strangling her. the romance novel gets flipped around and hate triumphs over love, it’s perfect.

that doesn’t sound ritualistic and the fact the the person of interest is a known wiccan sounds disturbingly like religious scapegoating. i think they’re reading witchcraft into the positioning of the bodies in the same way people read the future in tea leaves.

a blue moon can also be the third of four full moons in a season, which happens every three years i think. i believe that’s the older definition of a blue moon.

well “upload glitch” says nothing. what is meant by glitch and how did that glitch produce the video they released? a glitch isn’t magic and corrupted video doesn’t ordinarily look anything like that. when they say it’s an upload glitch, i’m expecting something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk1fWA…

the something different that people think they could’ve done to keep their loved ones from killing themselves aren’t often beating them and locking them up for days on trumped up charges though, is it?

a lot of people in the pacific northwest don’t have air conditioning now. during the summer i’ll just walk around target or something after dinner to get a reprieve on especially hot days.

yeah, but you have to admit that, when an unarmed person is shot and killed by police, *sometimes* people react to the news by bringing up all the stuff the victim did that they shouldn’t have done and pinning the blame for their death on those actions. you see it over and over again.

no, now it’s got your name. must’ve been a bug on the frontend.

what!? this comment has my name on it but i didn’t write it. spooky...