
And no one heard dozens of gunshots despite being within (at most) a mile or two and there being no other noise anywhere.

The fact that he only paid slight attention to the details is probably the reason that he thought highly of the episode.

Yeah I think it was just funky editing. There's no way the Governor leaves a corpse sitting unattended in the camp with his family there.

No, because there's no way he could've done that on his own. And how long would it take to do that AND hide all of their supplies so it looked like a raid?

But that's the problem with the Walking Dead. The showrunners assume that its viewers are stupid. (Perhaps based on many of the Facebook and Twitter comments I've read over the years they have a point, but still.) They assume that we can't envision for ourselves how the exact same thing probably happened in

Yet no one even mentioned that group or the very real threat that they'd present.

Sorry, but this two-episode arc was a complete waste of time. D-