
I think you are misunderstanding slightly. Those things are not considered racist in and of themselves. Americans eat fried chicken, I have four restaurants near me, we eat watermelon too.

But in art specifically associating those with dark black characters can be a problem. It would take a very nuanced understanding

not being a giant piece of shit, in general or to your fans directly, helps.  She seems like a genuinely decent person, or at least one that doesn’t do bad things, and that’s puts her in the top 10% of professional streamers.

They also did persona 4 dirty in the article. Their characterization of the theme makes me even wonder if they played the same game. I would sum up that plot arc as the progressive anti-essentialist “You don’t need to be gay to be an effeminate man or have effeminate hobbies you can be a cis-het man and still like to

especially replacing them with a right wing alex jones nutter feels like a rather pointed commentary about how the localizer feels about americans demanding these changes to games. 

yeah replacing the only trans character in the game with a right wing alex jones nutter seems like... a choice.  Perhaps a very pointed choice about how the localizer feels about American fans demanding these alterations. 

I will never again vote for the lesser evil. I will only cast a vote for a candidate that convinces me that have real plans to do things that will make my life better in the short and long term.

I refuse to consider my vote their hostage “vote for me or else they’ll hurt you!”

This law was clearly not written for trans people but I think it’s a great idea and every jurisdiction should require this.

When the bill was written in 1995 the internet and the ability to trace people down were far less widespread and capable.  The fear that someone could develop a bad reputation for misconduct,

that isn’t legally considered a name change, in most cases.

the mean girl-to-nursing pipeline is fucking real

a state can’t legally make decisions based on that so what is the problem with them having state contracts, other than the fact they aren’t open sundays?

I’ve had this conversation with a few friends... it’s all about odds.  One airline attendant survived freefall from a few kilometers up in a section of a plane that had been blown apart-- that does not mean I’m going to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.  Any gambler knows you take any chance you can to

it’s a trabE

Look, I don’t like Musk but I also don’t get the absolute hate-boner all the sites here seem to have for him either. This article is terrible. It hides the real source of the issue AND takes his tweet totally out of context.

He was saying it was insane that government workers can refuse to provide a government service

This is where most people misunderstand what a CEO is and what their job entails. Failure is not a sign of PERSONAL failure. You can do a good job and still get a bad outcome when you are running a company making high-level strategic decisions that may or may not pay off at all. The job of a CEO is to make those

and when the kid needs computer access or they fail their classes, what then?

I agree to an extent— kids should not have private PC access it should be in the family room for a lot of reasons (gaming addiction, to monitor if they’re being contacted by adults, getting into things they shouldn’t, buying and selling

Shiny Toy Guns cover of Peter Schiller’s “Major Tom (coming home)“ has to be up there. 

I disagree, moving AWAY from this idea to the one where addicts are helpless passengers in their own lives without agency is causing the damage.  Addicts love an excuse, and society is currently feeding them nothing but endless excuses and telling them they are not responsible for their problems.  There may be a

exactly! It seems to me like this is peak “shooting the watchdog because it keeps you up at night,” the problem is not the notes the problem is people behaving antisocially with their cars.

If they provided a phone number to call or an app where you can snap pictures of someone’s bad parking job and they get fined

and yet nothing they’re saying about him isn’t ALSO being said by democrats about republicans who have the same symptoms... go look at any article about Mitch, they’re literally cheering his stroke symptoms.

that’s a tenuous link at best, especially because campaign workers are largely volunteers.