
Oh, I see what you mean, no she is not using it as a persona or shorthand for using a lot of foul language (in fact corpolalia is not one of her ticks as I understand it), she has tourette’s and is open about it. honestly I haven’t seen a ton of her but her community is really cool and respectful about it, its’ a

That’s one reason I could never get into gatcha games.  I don’t mind investing a little money into a game I like but I want to know it has legs on it.  I routinely play games from my steam library that are a decade old (especially if  they’re heavily moddable, Fallout: New Vegas and Kerbal Space Program for instance),

Yeah, moe anthropomorphism isn’t anything NEW, it’s well-trod ground. Virtually every console and piece of electronics gear has their whatever-chan version. And that’s before you get to the weird Japanese-market military otaku stuff with waifu versions of firearms, warships of the Imperial Japanese Navy, armored

welcome to America today where everything is “violence” and words have no meaning.

The problem is “how”? it’s very easy to say that “there ought to be a law!” but when you start asking what that law would look like, the elements of the proposed crime, the exact elements that the government would have to prove to secure a conviction, and how you would protect political expression and legitimate

the names of disabilities are not taboo terms, nor is correctly identifying someone who is public about their diagnosis as having the same.  Should they just ignore that entire part of her (self-created) image?  How would that not be erasure?

They get to pick what they’re called, it’s not up to you to tell them they’re wrong. They aren’t theologically consistent with most of Judaism, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to pick the name of their own religion.

The oily rag one is really out-dated. They say *certain kinds* of oils. Those oils are basically linseed and tung oil. Rather rarely used today, compared to how common they used to be. “oily rags can catch fire” has created a generation fearful a little motor oil or even cooking oil will explode the moment you’re not

That’s basically the plot of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, combined with people not realizing that building a sentient machine with an overriding goal requires making it fanatical.

I do own a little crypto, not a lot, most if it random stuff I got for pennies and my total risk exposure is a few thousand dollars now last I looked (and that’s with heavy appreciation of some things I literally got for free like dodgecoin given to me on reddit when it was still a joke).

I think the best arguments

take crypto entirely out of it, and this is a very standard fraud case-- he took money saying he would use it to make a product, decided not to make the product and pocketed the money instead.  You can’t do that.

There’s a huge difference. Just because you put ‘crypto’ or ‘NFT’ on it doesn’t mean that the core of the suit isn’t something well-known to law. If I take money from people promising to develop a product with it, I need to make a good-faith attempt to deliver that product.

That’s the procedure recommended by basically anyone.  In any retail job I ever had it was drilled into us-- only fight or resist if they try to take you outside or to a second location (at that point it’s not a robbery, and you’re in for a far worse time if you let them).  It’s fairly rare for criminals to hurt

There’s a lot of misinformation out there, it appears the reason he was fired is violations of procedure and poor recordkeeping that might make it hard to recover their losses.  It’s still ghoulish but the full story isn’t quite as batshit as some takes imply.

It’s illegal in the US too, businesses can fire you but they can’t hold you financially responsible or anything else.

regarding addiction, basically there’s two things. With any disability (not just addiction) you must be able to do the “core functions” of your job with reasonable accommodations (such as not having to do very minor parts of the job or having special equipment), and you can still be fired for working under the

It’s easy to say “well all she did was scam from people who have so much money they gave it away without even making sure she was who she said she was”-- but she also hurt a lot of people who couldn’t afford to lose money including her roommate.  I’m not saying she should be in prison someplace but maybe, just maybe,

This is why I feel so torn, Obviously these actions are disgusting that should go without saying, but at the same time he was a well-spoken and coherent defender of outsiders at an era they were uniquely vulnerable. After Columbine, anyone that looked a little bit alternative was not just being bullied by their peers,

regarding number 1/7: maybe that’s a good reason not to watch modern-day gladiators killing themselves for your entertainment, no?  If you have to ignore the elephant in the room, maybe it’s not the best room to be standing in.

That’s usually the best course of action, but there’s a huge caveat— if you are uniquely injured or suffered much greater damages than the average member of the class, you may have damages worth attempting to recover on your own. Likewise in a complicated situation where multiple kinds of harm were done, there may be