This, find some well-known drinks you like that are bar staples and order those. Save complicated substitutions and things from the back of a 1960s bartender bible for when you’re mixing your own drinks at home.
This, find some well-known drinks you like that are bar staples and order those. Save complicated substitutions and things from the back of a 1960s bartender bible for when you’re mixing your own drinks at home.
You can order a drink that isn’t basic as can be and still not be a jerk, are you really saying that you can’t order an old fashioned in a bar, or a negroni?
I know that it’s just supposed to be a generic old-style Japanese school, but for the life of me the school in the lead photo looks like the one from Ghost Stories.
it’s so common the Turkey City Lexicon of sci/fi and fantasy workshop shorthand and slang has a term for it: “call a rabbit a smeerp”
Zucchini are the most fecund plants I have ever seen. Our neighbors, after repeat gifts to everyone that would possibly accept them of copious amounts of zucchini bread, pickled zucchini and basically anything else you could make with them, eventually graduated to leaving bags of zucchini on our doorstep, ringing the…
Would you please stop saying that public urination can result in sex offender designation? It’s an urban legend, no one has ever produced a reliable actual court order or sex offender registration stating that was the cause.
FYI gencon isn’t just board games, I mean they have a small section of them in the corner, but mostly it’s tabletop roleplaying games, collectable card games, and miniature tabletop games.
This is just lawyering 101, and it doesn’t mean anything. It’s not a “trick”, that’s a common misconception. In fact anything you’d call a “trick” would generally get someone disbarred. All they did was say “our opinion is their case is weak” The judge isn’t going to listen but if you don’t at least try to make your…
it needs to be noted that none of those claims about colors causing any health problems have been proven in humans. If you inject them under the skin of rats in high concentrations, they could potentially cause cancer, that proves absolutely nothing about their effect when ingested.
This is where I come down. Why do churches NEED a blanket tax exemption? Any “good” church that does good works for the community would have **absolutely no issue** meeting the requirements for 503c charity designation in terms of percentage of their assets they give away or use for charitable purposes, transparency…
how to translate “rich man” is a point of theological contention. The connotation is people that have and don’t contribute to society or their fellow man, not just people that have things. The bible is very clear that there is no shame in being rich, nor in being poor, but as Fiddler on the Roof puts it “it’s no great…
Prosperity gospel is not Christianity. It’s its own religion, a very transactional view of religion rooted in “sacrifice to God, get stuff”. It’s a very primal sort of religion, very early human religions worked the same way; they were focused on giving stuff to the Gods so that they wouldn’t hurt you or would give…
So he bought a ton of stuff for the price of a cheaper house or a nice condo, so he could seal club people who hadn’t dropped the price of two new cars, and because he’s so powerful the game won’t match him with anyone.
If they have bacon around you can have them make that every day! I’m not sure if it’s on the regular ingredient list or they ship it in for promotions-- which they do for some ingredients
This is very, very long overdue. VRChat has a ton of upsides, but a real dark side that can get really fucking dark. At its worst there were stories that sounded like a particularly dark episode of Serial Experiments Lain or a cyberpunk version of a lifetime movie.
but they don’t punch everyone equally. The vast majority of it is directed upwards.
before the cheese rollup was on the menu that was the bean burrito. you could get them for 80 cents, and the half-pounder was like a buck and a half. We used to have a guy come in and order two half-pound bean burritos for lunch two or three times a week.
I mean, half the GTA protagonists out there fit that mold, but yeah that’s my reservation largely— when attempting to be “inclusive” often game studios wind up using some god-awful stereotypes.
It’s almost as if people that are very loud on twitter are not the same people that buy tickets to comedy shows...