Actually, they’d be all right if the character was replaced by a new female friend to Scott Lang, a strong, independent character who takes no shit from other people, played by Gina Carano.
Actually, they’d be all right if the character was replaced by a new female friend to Scott Lang, a strong, independent character who takes no shit from other people, played by Gina Carano.
The scene was lifted from FMJ.
Short version: yes.
The Television branch did fine (Cloak and Dagger was quite good, for instance), but at some point Perlmutter had some kind of grand vision with what he could do with shows... and it was just modelled on phase 1 of the MCU, with four stand-alone seasons, one for each superhero, until they would assemble as The…
Alice Wetterlund, who played goth hacker Carla on Silicon Valley still mentioned a toxic work environment on the set, with most of the cast and crew enabling TJ Miller.
It wasn’t just a Disney vs Netflix issue, it was also a Marvel Studios (Kevin Feige) vs Marvel Television (Jeph Loeb and Ike Perlmutter) problem.
The funny thing is that, in the original, Ryder had just a hint of a dye job, as the hair for the part was close to her natural color at the time. In most of her roles, it is dyed black, as the audience is more used to see her that way.
Diamond had burnt bridges that had him estranged from any kind of reunion for years. That’s why he wasn’t invited (along with Dennis Haskins) to the 2015 event on Fallon. Still, the interview with Lopez (which provided the picture Lopez posted) was in 2016. At this point, Diamond looked like he was really cleaning up…
I’ve heard about someone I knew casually, who had developed melanoma twice since 2019, the second time with metastasis. It was successfully treated in both cases. Because of the lockdown in France, she delayed a planned checkup for a month. At this point, cancer had recurred and spread so much that even with…
You obviously haven’t read what I posted. Where do I state that the AV Club should have never posted anything about Trump?
A friend of mine had this theory that the crew and cast from The Conqueror brought back as memorabilia samples of vitrified sand generated by the nuclear blasts, which would turn to generate radiations even in their homes.
The presidential library will mostly consist of annotated issues of Penthouse, usually a phone number and a price scribbled down next to the photo of the model.
This. At some point, during the first year of his term, there was something like four or five newswire items a day, what Trump had just done, what the late night show hosts had said on Trump, etc. It was really repetitive, as if you had a daily quota to fill. People complained. I complained.
Van Morrison is a very grumpy guy who takes himself very seriously up to the point it becomes comical. He’s notoriously difficult to interview, as he will bring the conversation to jazz from the thirties and won’t consider anything more recent as being of any value, while complaining that his audience only wants to…
Back on Top from 1999 was a fine album.
The compulsion to record, catalog and sort his sexual encounters, as if to bring order to his life. He would also keep diaries where he would tersely document the most mundane events. Zevon had a ton of quirks, and OCD was even the base to his friendship with Billy Bob Thornton, who has the same disorder. Anyway,…
When Warren Zevon died, he had specified to his son that he had to clean his porn stash in his house before an inventory of his estate took place, so it wouldn’t be listed.
All three suck in different ways.
Oh, yeah, it’s terrible. Anybody can understand that Maisie Williams can turn into a wolf through her first or second appearance, yet it’s only revealed after one hour, and the scene is supposed to be meaningful. Ditto for the nature of the tragedy that struck Charlie Heaton. The characters spend their time…
I’m not kidding. The Man who Would Be King had been a pet project for decades for John Huston, just like Gangs of New York for Scorsese. He read the book as a child, and thought it would be a great story to film. When he started making serious plans about it, he wanted to cast Clark Gable (or Gary Cooper) and Humphrey…