
Captain Nemo’s backstory is revealed in The Mysterious Island. He is Indian Prince Dakkar.

Q has a name, Major Boothroyd, which is stated a couple of times in the films. Ian Fleming actually paid tribute to a gun expert of the same name who had written to him about Bond’s gun in the early books, a Beretta. Boothroyd explained that the Beretta was a “lady’s gun”, and made a few recommendations, including the

People overlook the fact that the “will he/won’t he?” speculation is part of a well oiled machinery created by the producers to generate buzz for the franchise. Moore “considered” leaving many times. Even Brosnan wasn’t supposedly a locked deal after each production. As soon as the possibility was mentioned, tabloids

You’re underestimating people’s needs for claiming that they are progressive. Basically, “Idris Elba would make a great Bond” is their version of “I wish I could have voted for Obama a third time”.

Bond, as portrayed in the Craig films, is quite close in tone to the character in the novels. Both are incapable of commitment due to a traumatic romance with a double agent, while the Connery/Moore films showed a more relaxed and casual playboy. In Fleming’s books, Bond has all her conquests leaving him after a few

It won’t happen with Nyong’o, due to schedule issues apparently. The original piece was updated a couple of hours later to feature an update from “her team.”

Pizzolatto thinks it too. He did an informal Instagram Q&A after the finale aired, and he gave a lot of explanation.

The charges were most likely dropped because there wasn’t enough evidence. There was just one testimony on record, the plaintiff herself, and she couldn’t back her claims with evidence, making this more of an instance of he said/she said. Plus (but it might be Besson’s camp that contributed to spread the rumors), the

As a cisgender French white male (if you want it all), I’d say this is a little caricatural. There’s no marked differences regarding adultery whether it’s a man or a woman who cheats. You may have met some samples that may not be representative of the French population. That’s basically like the old clichés about

We never saw Henry giving tips to Elisa, and she isn’t even mentioned in the episode. The crew has presumably left town. Also, he seems to know that his father has done stuff that he prefers not to see exposed. Unless his jungle fever got the better of him, he would go at the address alone (or with Roland) and he

Except that the missus is now there, and that the whole documentary crew will not stick around in a small Arkansas town for days without a good reason.

Given his look in the picture, they could have saved time and money on the dialect coach by hiring Simon Pegg instead.

One of my favorite concepts in the episode was about the new group talking in sign language in the middle of the night.

Actually, Henry was introduced in the TV show as a Coral replacement. In the comics, Carl is still alive and he’s the one who’s jailed next to Lydia. Meanwhile, Darryl is being repositioned as a Rick substitute.

They should have made instead What Mel Gibson Wants, in which every woman can hear the inner thoughts of Mel Gibson. That would have been a more interesting setting.

Bob Dylan’s cat in the sixties, the one he carries on the cover art for Bringing It All Back Home, was named Rollin’ Stone.

Personally, I’m waiting for the sequel, The Man Who Killed Hitler, and then the Bigfoot, and then Don Quixote.

The overlap is larger than what some would assume.

Season 2 actually consisted of two specials, one Telethon for a constantly changing cause, and one mockumentary put together ten years into the future. Atamanuik also wrote a book in character, in collaboration with Neil Casey, American Tantrum.

Alec Baldwin actually ripped off a few tricks from Atamanuik’s impersonation and refuses to acknowledge it. Using Atamanuik to play Trump may be a way for Tina Fey to throw some shade at Baldwin.