
Holiday Christmas Music, especially if coming from Mariah “All I want for CHRISTMAS is you” Carey.

Again, you're grasp on the situation at hand is tenuous at best. "Picky" isn't what's happening here.

That's the kid's fault how?

Please do this Facebook. 

I get at knee jerk comments about the kid and his parent’s caretaker, but if you actually think about it, he seems like a very likely candidate to be on the spectrum.

How about a phone with the exact same form factor as a nexus 5 or iPhone 5? There is a market for and desire to buy phones that aren’t huge. If battery life is most impacted by screen size, couldn’t batteries realistically shrink proportionately too while maintaining modern specs?

Displaying at captured resolution is only 1 use-case for this. Another more short-term benefit is the ability to crop/zoom/pan without losing any (or less) picture quality from the perspective of the display/viewer. The ability to pan without actually panning is pretty compelling. 

How do you have a job? 

Was this post intended to be a filibuster or was that just a coincidence?

How about a scooter going ~12mph and suddenly locking up the motor and halting to 0 pretty much immediately without warning, yes it was charged.


I f***ing HATE this feature on my wife’s 2018 GTI. I have had dozens of false positives (which resulted in the car slamming on the brakes) at highway speeds, around town, lighted highways, doesn't seem to matter. VW doesn't see this as a problem either. There is no way to actually disable it in the UX and dealers

I don’t want to get into the politics of this, I want to know that as a human making a decision, why are you doing this job if the pay and conditions are so unacceptable? There are always other options, even options still driving a car, deliveries, etc if that’s what you want to focus on.

Alternate title “How to ensure leg cramps in Coach”

Exactly, its also stating “don’t be a competitive swimmer unless you have perfect vision” “Don’t surf unless you have perfect vision”


Its true 100% of the time.

That’s correct, and neither can anybody on her staff.