I do hope you realize this could have been 1/4 the amount of posts about this car with the same amount of information
I do hope you realize this could have been 1/4 the amount of posts about this car with the same amount of information
Unfortunately “staying in my allotted space” is not usually the norm.
Oh so you only want to travel in flippie floppies. Why didn't you just say that?
I have, buy better shoes. You do realize that sitting in a chair means not standing right?
Imported TDI Defender + flat trailer. #done
You lost me at “y’all”.
1) understood, but you’re not at home and comfortable travel shoes exist that wouldn’t need this sleep “requirement” that you’re desperately trying to justify
Miley Cyrus is popular too.
Oh the famous “bottle table” at Heathrow. Many a security agent has relied on this source for their swill.
Why are you taking your shoes off? Buy better shoes that don’t hurt, its 2019.
Maybe I am just a hot mess - you said it, not us.
Can somebody tell that to the guy I sat next to flying home from Indianapolis a few weeks ago who brought on what I can only describe as a fish burrito?
I wonder if there is data about people getting run over by GM cars in parking lots that were reversing because they’ve gotten so used to ignoring them as crying wolf...
As a vehement believer of using blinkers 100% of the time- No, stop automating things in cars as a replacement for skill or care.
I was supporting your statement
Its almost like there are hundreds of other island destinations that you could just go to instead WITHOUT this stigma.
yeah, except it’s not food poisoning. Its [broad strokes] counterfeit alcohol being mixed into well drinks.