
Such a half-baked scheme.

Brilliant...bring down the one service that people want to use. I see much torrenting in the future.

I just recommended my friend by the new MBP which he did last week. He's also a part time musician, so he bought the Apogee ONE which is $250. Oh well.

Considering the millions of page hits and free pub from other news outlets, I'd say yes.

Jony Ive will be in the BBC feed drinking a pint of Bodington's and saying "Cherrio, bitches!! I'm out!"

You're misunderstanding. It only filters out businesses closed for the day in case you want a late night snack. Not places that have gone out of business.

I called the AOL 800 number at the 1:00 mark. It's now a "National Telemarketing Company"

Why is Giz so sure that iOS5 will be shown off? They usually hold a separate event around March which seems to take about 60-90 mins. I can't see them squeezing this into the iPad 2 announcement.

Damn. When I scanned the headline, I thought this was about guitars.

@NanorH: Yup, my time is up. I going to try a public socks proxy as described below.

@NanorH: I did this. It's asking to update my address since my IP does not match a UK IP address. I think it's only a matter of time before I'm cut off.

@Jonathan Reese: This could have a one year refresh cycle like the AT&T iphone, so iphone for VZ may not show up until Feb 2012.

@Butters619: Read the reviews of that cable from BB. They're pure genius.

That headline is quite a proclamation. Giz is going to get a lot of grief if it's anything but an iphone announcement. That being said, I hope it is just so the rumors can finally be put to rest.

Interesting discrepancy between your headline and your last sentence.

Tom Sawyer....solid choice, my friend.

Is hiding it in the glovebox really a good idea? That's one of the first places a thief would look.

Maybe a white iphone 4 update?

@cloudnine: Or you would control it using your hand held iOS device.