
My point is you cant “act” like you lost weight.

Or Deniro in “The Untouchables”.

What are you going to do, dum-dum? Go to his house?

The only thing that defies belief about this story is that any teenage girls are watching the 30 year old “Scarface”. I love gangster movies and dont hold it in especially high regard.

“He’d allegedly clog toilets with cat litter...”

“.....it seems like men are rarely asked about prepping their physique for movies at the same rate women are.”

“Al, as the father of a daughter concerned with drug addiction, how much cocaine did you snort in preparation for the film?”

I dont even give a shit about cars but that is legit bad ass.

Dave Chappelle is the best comedian alive and even HE is not comparable to Richard Pryor.

Of course, nobody has ever worn blue eye shadow like THAT before.

She looks a little too, uh, “tan” to be a member of the Royal Family.

Im guessing shes gonna say what every other hooker says.

Shes is pretty tough when shes fighting kids but cries like a little bitch with a skinned knee when an adult steps in.

One has an app, so.....

“...the most common misconception they face is the idea that they are sex workers. None deny occasionally having intimate relations...”

Hard to snort when its crammed up your pussy.

Nice career path from hooker to drug mule.

“Of course, when attempting to determine my ‘grade of blackness,’ none of this matters...”

Took him long enough.