
This post is not about a man last time I checked.

That its all bullshit and porn is fucking gross and degrading for the women who do it.

Running tally of careers porn acting has been compared to here so far:

I support them too because at some level they are victims no matter what they say. I just think its a disgusting industry and Id rather lose a hand than see any of my kids do that shit.

Yeah, ok.


Women, lol.

Its always interesting to hear feminists talk about porn.

Now, right fucking now, is the time when people are deciding to give a shit about domestic violence in hip hop?

We need more pictures of these Trump Towns.


“Any attractive female children will be put to work on masters sail barge...”

Its crazy how...human...she used to look.

Yeah, but Bill Clinton didnt apologize to Monica.

Jesus, its not that we dont HEAR the inbred yokels in Trump country.

“We’re all people. You understand that, right? Black, white, red, brown ... ones with big ears. Ones with small ears ... people.”

lucky you.