
Guessing they don’t advertise that to the Yoga One crowd


This is immediately what I thought of too

The serial killer stories of the 60s and 70s are horrific. And people bitch about helicopter parents today.

Wanna hear something even more fucked up?


Seems more like they’re trying to make Titanfall 2 a better thing than 1 while trying to change how shooters act after their release. Change comes from within first, after all.

Interviewer melts down: “I DONT FUCKING KNOW!”

Rupert feels that she’s gotten above herself. A lot of this negotiation has gone on in public, and Rupert notoriously hates that sort of thing.

Ive been travelling across the border since I was a kid. Mexico is an amazing country with friendly people and insanely bad ass food. I would live there if it were possible.

I hope all of their kids get the shit kicked out of them.

for about 5 months. I lived in Lubbock for about a year. Also, I didn’t have a car then. Good times.

Jesus God, dont tell me you live there.

Can someone explain the rationale for mermaids wearing tops? I have never understood this from a zoological and evolutionary standpoint.

When God finished building Hell he took all the leftover construction material and built Lubbock.

“We’ll pay you two million extra per year for each inch of skirt length you delete from your wardrobe. Final offer. This is still FOX, after all.”

Then they both could keep an eye on Russia.

Her behavior :-\

Fuck that tow truck driver, his scumbag friends, and his bitch-ass employer.