
Slovenia doesnt look too prosperous.

Leaves them in Cleveland with a shitty mascot.

Dance with the one who brung ya’.

Truly terrifying.

Some people get mean after getting their asses kicked.

I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.

I love it when theres ice because im guaranteed a day off.

Its snowed twice since ive been here, both on Xmas eve.

Nah, the cops were probably on break or polishing their night sticks and praying for an NAACP rally.

Only in the past few years.


No shit.

Their last movie together sucked ass.

The tornadoes are the least worst thing about Oklahoma.

1) Move

I bet he just bought a solid gold jet.

If they want it let em keep it as long as we all know theyre racists.

Did Garth Brooks put out an album this year or something?

“In GLAAD’s case I assume that they are using it because it makes it easy to distinguish between male and female roles.”

This looks super dumb and dangerous and I hope every police station in the country buys them.