
“My dad has a place in Florida where we can party but all the girls gotta get naked and touch my weiner! HAHAHAHAHA!”

It’ll probably cost a fortune to get the strawberry sauce out of the flaps.

Idiots will pay to watch her do.....something.

Whats the matter? Was the DMV and Chipotle booked?

Does he have a handbook or some kind of manual to ensure that every action he takes screams “GREASY FUCK HEAD WHO WILL FINGER YOU IF YOU PASS OUT”???

Those hats are ass.

“Dwaynes prowess on the rings of basketing balls is matched only by the extraordinary length and girth of his reproductive organ”


OK, Ryan.

We basically left the register open and said “I gotta run to the bathroom”.

“Never be the better person”

Fat Hatty got in a nice little ground kickin’.

Texas obviously.