
I think most white people would be more than willing to talk about racism but are constantly told that their opinions on the subject are bad/wrong/stupid regardless of what their opinions are so most white people don’t bother anymore. Especially if they challenge any possible point made by any POC they get labeled a

What flavor was the Kool-ade?

Most aren’t trying to have a conversation. They just want you to feel bad because they don’t have their own shit together.

I dont even care anymore.

Am I losing my mind here? Every white person is racist? This is OK now to make blanket statements about millions of people and expect zero blow back? If this is the hill she expected to die on and make a name for herself with, super. But for those of us that are not try-hard but actually trying, go fuck yourself.

I guess L’Oreal hired her because they were racist.

She was invited to stand for diversity. Not spew racism. Sucks to suck.

“...saying that she was misquoted and also her words were taken out of context.”

Must have left her “Get Out Of Consequences Free” card at home.

I have nothing to add except maybe this will make everyone feel better, at least if you’re as petty as I am? Before you feel too bad, remember Piers Morgan is Daily Fail’s premiere Trump apologist/resident scumbag.

Sure, buddy.

Anyone who thinks one race is inherently more violent than another is, by definition, a racist.

I’m really glad she got fired. This attitude is creating a serious race problem.

She was fired for HER racism.

Good, fuck her

“me so thelioma”

It’s been done.

I like the reappearing ass.

I could only think of two good reasons to watch that show.