Ya’ know who is still really into college?
Ya’ know who is still really into college?
Ya’ know who is still really into college?
Ya’ know who is still really into college?
Welp, sometimes you get a steak dinner and a feather bed and sometimes you get bashed in the kidney with a sock full of nickels, your pants pulled down around your ankles with your head in a mop bucket.
If it makes you feel any better we’ve been fucked for a while now.
“But I can still fuck her though, right...?”
i understand what i sound like and accept it.
Every fucking time this con man answers a question he sounds like either an 8 year old or the worlds dumbest mafia dude.
He continued, “And I guess its ‘politically incorrect’ to have a continuing sexual relationship with your oldest and hottest daughter from the time she turned 14 up to and including yesterday afternoon. At about 3 pm. I suppose the police are gonna come down and arrest me for that, right?? Come on!”
During but still.
Easter Wang?
When a child gets behind the wheel of a car and runs into a tree, You don’t blame the child. He didn’t know any better. You blame the 30-year-old woman who got in the passenger seat and said, “Drive, kid. I trust you.”-Pam Beesly
But her emails!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the people who gave away millions of dollars worth of explosives to Osama Bin Laden willy nilly and you focus on the objectification of interns.
All my neighbors are middle aged gays.
I would have set it on fire.
Im guessing this person was in my fair city for some personal reason and found herself getting hammered on the now trendy East Side and suddenly remembered she had some shit due for work and started “interviewing” the two closest dip shits at the bar.
Reporter: Hey Champ, I left my notes in my hotel room can you please spell Tenshin Nasukawa?
Theres nothing punk about writing nonsense lyrics over a bunch of white noise bullshit and getting high instead of voting.