

Whose job was it to milk the cons?

Theres a place where these idiots can get all the guns they want and even get paid for it....

Donald Trump has given so many gifts to the white male idiots of America.

Shes dead.

Oh ok cool, you have shitty taste.

I know, its always hilarious watching Disney princesses desperately try and transform themselves into being “of the streets” as soon as they are off the mouses payroll.

She gives me “having zero talent besides being a child molesters walking wet dream” vibes.

And anything else they might feel the need to say.

“.....raise questions about how real those revelations were, or whether they simply made for great jokes.”

I find it very helpful when people just flat out let me know they are a fucking liar by using the term “FAKE NEWS”.

Me to The Democratic Party....

“Like to lick it,

People in America need to seriously stop complaining. About most things.
Our poor people would be considered royalty in most parts of the world.

I cant watch this at work but is it a non-racist President?

Russians: White Asians

Youre right.

Does she talk about Trump?

Seriously, the situation is fucking disgusting.

Because this how teach become man.