Dwarf Oscar

Emma Stone actually won for sound editing.

That's not Warren Beatty's fault if I understood it correctly. Wrong envelope !

Yeah, they've gone really savage on Adam Driver lately…

Between this and the shitting hawks, Mikey Day seems to like potty 10-to-1 humor.

It also ended the David Brent storyline on a kinda sweet note : he was on the verge of becoming a slightly better person. So, nice to know they shat on that for that Netflix special.

Oh my god, it's one of the few movies in my life I didn't watch all the way through. Utterly terrible. It also didn't help that I didn't grow up with these characters, so no "get-out-of-prison" nostalgia card for me…

Yeah, Hello Ladies was funny-ish, but nothing to write home about…

I'm getting Bored To Death by this thread…

White Bird in a Blizzard ?

I know you really want someone to hold you.

I really love what Bad Lip Reading is doing, especially the songs. "Bushes Of Love", in addition to being hilarious, is surprisingly poignant and radio-worthy.

I actually thought that. Trump striked me as an "all bark no bite" kind of guy, who just amped up the xenophobic rhetoric because he noticed it worked. I was deeply in the wrong.

B-B-B-But, the Clinton foundation…

Trump is obsessed with how celebrities perceive him. He will care.

"Canned Heat" was my jam back in '99

Directed by Under the skin's Jonathan Glazer.

it's waaaay more obscure than those two but Rome's Die Æsthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit is worth a listen.

I wonder what percentage of the voters actually watch them all, still. I recall anonymous interviews from 2 years ago, during the 'Oscars so White' controversy, that are clear indications that many of them don't bother…

Not a big fan of neo-nazis either, but I won't punch them if they just happen to be talking to a journalist. I'm a terrible puncher anyway.

I'm not that heated up about that one punch either. It's an isolated incident. But it's the fact that this act of violence got turned into a joke by Michael Che. He had a good bit about MLK Day just last week, and now he's all 'yeah, enough of that nonviolence crap' ?