Dwarf Oscar

All of that is good news, but I don't get my hopes up, since Henry Selick seems to be cursed as of late. Every project of his goes into development hell… I've been waiting for The Shadow King for years now…

"Hunger Games is a complete ripoff of Roman gladiator games !"

Jose Peterson is the name of a character in John Carpenter's early short Sorceror from outer space. You're in deep trouble !

Absolutely. It's not the scariest movie ever made, granted. It's slow, and we know, because of the documentary aspect, that the body count won't be high. But the sense of dread lingers throughout. Not to mention there's a scare towards the end (not a jump-scare exactly, but almost) so effective and harrowing that I

I CTRL+F'd the hell out of these comment threads and saw no mention of the great Australian flick Lake Mungo, so here it is : watch Lake Mungo, guys. It's one of my favorite horror movies, right after Suspiria and Kairo

I didn't remember that. Thank you !

About that : wouldn't he gain a few milliseconds not jumping that high on the pole ? The higher the jump, the longer it will take for the flag to come down ? I'm probably missing something…

I haven't seen No Telling but if I had to chose a favorite Larry Fessenden movie, it would actually be The Last Winter. I agree it's more polished and almost loses its indie vibe, but sometimes the most conventional movie is the better one. And Fessenden didn't lose touch with with what makes his cinema great (i.e.

What ? Every city is better with Jason Sudeikis in it !

Wait, I don't get it. We heard that Solomon guy say the word, like, 50 times, on that WU skit. Is 'goddamn' supposed to be one of the forbidden words ?


How many 'off the record' anecdotes has he told ? And can you find a way to write them anyway, on a 'Random Roles, bonus'. Maybe with a codeword system ? Encrypted messages ? Substituting all names with a 'John/Jane Doe'? I don't know, we HAVE to find a way.

I think the correct spelling is Cagesque

He was alright this time. He's more comfortable, and he gets the job done. He'll never be in a "top ten WU anchor" list, but I guess we could have way worse than him now.

Yes, I guess their idea was "We know he won't be here long, so let's have fun with the character a little".

Yeah. I love him to death, but his character was way too cartoonish, even by B99 standards

It's true for the old wizard farts, but the younger generations, barring egregious counterexamples, have relatively decent names.

It can't be any Potterer than this

(…) had a pile of kids, gave them terrible names and never did anything interesting ever again (…)

Well, Gryffindor griff the hell out of… nah, that doesn't work…