Al's Ho Fiesta

Really bad take. Personally, teams should strive for the organizational continuity the Packers have with McCarthy. I would argue that MM has made Aaron Rogers what he is today, not the other way around. The Packers would be smart to extend MM for another 5 years at the least, or maybe even look to Oakland and give him

Mark Sanchez is a different type of QB than Kaepernick. They can just use the excuse that they decided they wanted a pocket passer and have plausible deniability.

Wilson has already served 16 games of this suspension, so perhaps he’ll be allowed to put those extra two games served toward his next suspension?

Hate the fans? Sure. We’re not great, and I say that *as* one. But if you don’t like this team —the way they play, their joy, the way they are coached, their consistency and camaraderiethen you are just as partisan and lame as we are. Good baseball is good baseball. 

Mookie Betts might just be the most fun guy in baseball right now. He has a fun name, looks like he’s having fun in the outfield, and he bowls perfect games. And he wins people tacos. 

This is the exact situation where Kap makes the most sense. He’s better than any QB on the roster and he gives the fans something to believe in. Also, any fan who does the whole “stand for the flag” rhetoric probably puts that away because if you get Kap, you have a legit chance at a Superbowl and even idiot fans

If only there was a QB available with starting experience and who has shown he can take a team deep into the playoffs.

I do think Machado will sign with the Yanks. Call it...

I had to enlarge the video to make sure we weren’t intruding on a private moment from the uploader. 

Why is Price holding an irrational grudge for way too long? Bregman’s not media. 

Yawkey was a racist something something gif of guy attacking someone with a flag during bussing protests something Sully this or that something else yeah yeah yeah.

Damn the 2018 MLB season for making me root for either the Red Sox or the Brewers.  This is intolerable.  

The best Yankee Stadium celebrations are done by the Boston Red Sox.

Literally the only thing for which Massachusetts is useful is providing 9 House votes, 2 Senate votes, and 11 electoral votes against the fascist evil that is the modern Republican Party’s agenda. And they couldn’t even do that right! Those dipshits went and fucking elected Scott Brown in 2010 and that resulted in a

This will never not be funny.

It’s like they took everything bad about the NFL and boiled it down and then poured it into a big fat mold and THIS asshole is what popped out of it.

You’re missing the point. She didn’t change her shirt. She took it off to turn it the right way and then put the same shirt back on. Hence it is entirely up to the referee whether he considers that “changing” or not when there is no actual change other than the direction her shirt was facing.

Every pedantic, know-it-all armchair golf marshal calling into tournaments to report a meaningless, minor rule violation they saw on TV is applauding you for letting the world know that pedantic, know-it-all armchair tennis umpires are just as bad.

The last time I saw a man in a high chair telling a woman what she couldn't do with her body it was the 2019 term of the United States Supreme Court