60 frames per second?
60 frames per second?
Eurogamer says it runs at only 30 frames per second.
Are you referring to planned third-party 3DS games?
Vita emphasizes multitasking.
It will look even better than this because it will be crammed into a 5 inch screen... or at least you'll notice less flaws.
No, completely different games. Though this one is a bit creepy as well.
Uhh, Kotaku, are you sure a NDA wasn't just violated? No one else has confirmed the name yet.
What about the PS3/Vita cross-platform project he talked about showing at E3? That was back in January during the NGP reveal conference.
Kettles and pots, sister.
Interesting. We should Google it, see what can be dug up.
I'll take one as well!
Wasn't sold in retail stores.
Here's the actual game. For anyone who cares about that half of it.
No Bluetooth. Uses a USB dongle.
Because they have higher goals. There is the untapped market of socially-networked mobile gaming. Please see my post above for a full theory.
Retaining fanbase is important but they have higher goals.