
@trithleon: The most recent PSP, the Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Special Edition, has a concave nub.

A stylus?

@Comatose Turtle: Link to that $15 Okami? I don't have a Wii, by the way.

Now playing

that homemade The Go! Team soundtrack was totally charming.

You know, with 3G and dual analog,

@dracosummoner: Everything so far has been a mock-up but dual analog is confirmed.

Now playing

After watching Apple charge $700+ for iPads and seeing them sell like crazy, I'm not convinced Sony isn't willing to try another 599 USD with their hardware.

@Kakkoii: The PSP2 slim will have 4g.

Woah there Kotaku! That's a big header image!

@Whizkid103: oh. But did you need a Nav or Dualshock for that?

@Whizkid103: I'm excited for that too, but I can't see how we'd be able to do backhands.

@Pornosaur: linear story but open world

@omicron1: Why does he have to be Christian?

@Steven Hott: And they'll probably end up giving you X, X-2 and XII instead.

The Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection is mostly confirmed.

@Cake Tank!: They're only $299 now, man. Or buy a used one for even less....

@SG-17: Why March 8th? Where do you live so that it releases that late?