@dowingba: the others are
@dowingba: the others are
@sandorasbox: Top row, 2nd from right. =)
@sandorasbox: I think I've seen a Colossus Biggs somewhere.
A closer view would've been more impressive.
While there are a lot of circumstances around FF XIII, I think Square Enix should've learned something about loyalty from the whole affair.
@mbx: The mechanics of a game can be artful. Just think about that for a minute.
If 2010 was good for the triple,
nice PMAGs.
aaand the pstriple is gonna be background downloading all night long.
I love it when people feel affected enough to hate this game.
@DocSeuss: I'm not really a fan of Insomniac's games and I do feel the Resistance series has been kinda sub-par. Killzone 2 was generally good but it had some major control issues that spoiled the better areas. Kz3 looks to be fixing everything I hated about 2, so I'll be giving it a try
the first three, the glamor shots, are particularly impressive.
ps2 versions = nooooo
@DocSeuss: Most PS3s can't play PS2 games. Every Xbox 360 can play original Xbox games, like the Prince of Persia titles.
@DocSeuss: Why? How about Legend and Anniversary were never released on PS3 while they were on Xbox 360?
@Aideh: Sony has no authority with getting third party games remastered. Publishers decide whether they want to do this.
@DocSeuss: This isn't Sony's doing. Sony did the God of War Collection, which has sold incredibly well for what it is. It's a year old and still ranks in the United States' top 20 monthly software sales. I think it's circulated maybe 3 million copies by now.
@DTheRPGFan657289: Yep, shitty fiscal years always mean good chances for remastered games.
@Rokeden: My PC isn't fast enough to get any kind of playable framerate with PCSX2.
@TheolaRegulus: Only Underworld is on PS3 so far. But yeah this isn't such a good choice for a remaster.