
@ARYXANDRE: Epic Yarn is fine. Wish I had a Wii.

About time. Hopefully they can finally outdo SSX3 with this.

@IvanDashSmith: They had like 3 or 4 dev studios I think. Japan, California, Florida, and somewhere in the UK?

@masterage: Compared to my prog-scan PS2 games which are mostly 640x480, this game on default settings just looks a bit wider. It's clearly running at 720x480 and Rockin' Android's website even mentions "480p"

@jsmo5: So it's begun.

@B16CXHatch: Activision never lets CoD games go on sale.

@Shinta: my only problem with the game is that it runs in 480p. I'm sure that with the enhanced graphics and other improvements made for the PSN version, they could've improved the resolution too. Looks pretty bad on my 1080p display.

bought Crescent Pale Mist, currently laughing my ass off watching The Tester

@Seepgood: Yeah that's true. We even get some Japanese-made games before Japan gets them.

@Ubik! the Rat Parade: It's pretty hilarious actually. I make a point of watching it every week. Truly, there's nothing else like The Tester. This is the most low-budget sincere effort at a reality show and the ridiculous premise makes it just delectable. You don't wanna miss it.

I was left in awe by Samurai's selflessness. I mean it was pretty goddamn stupid but wow he's earned himself a place on 'The Boss' tier. DAT HONOR.

Well us Americans are usually the ones getting the shaft anyway.

@nrXic: That may be true but we've got a meme to shake off here.

@Lamp: This is some bullshit.

What the hell...

@Punch-Up: You'd have a difficult time making your "quality/quantity" case. The folks at Activision believe they've solved that issue by having separate teams work on the franchise, giving each 2 years to make a game while consumers get one annually.

@hoshin: Do people even make guides for Call of Duty games?