I hope this becomes the next ‘1.5 psi’, because I cant get enough of it, lol.
I hope this becomes the next ‘1.5 psi’, because I cant get enough of it, lol.
David probably doesnt drink Coffee...it keeps him up at night...
Thank god Im in Europe and can plan for this event this year quite easily.
The colour was not what I was referring to, the EUDM models (and JDM models for that matter) had the Recaro SR2's, which are a type of seat without the separate headrest (the back section is one single piece, with the headrest included in the bqck section, instead of a separate headrest).
Those are not the original seats, unless Acura Integra’s got a different set of seats in the US.
*next year*
I need to get my g*ddamn car ‘healthy’ and roadtrip the sh*t out of it this year.
Thats not going to save the mk4...
I think there was some sort of show on the Discovery Channel that documented this build....
That near-solid engine mounts make everything rattle in your daily.
This has to be the best news coming out of any Darts tournament, ever.
Its not really the same as Omoren, but Ive done a tour with Fun2Drive and really, really recommend that as well for foreign visitors/tourists. The guys there are superchill, the tours are awesome and selection is not as wide as with Omoren, but what they do have are proper JDM Legends.....
What areas have you been looking at, as far as work goes? Our social system used to be one of the best in the world (as far as insurance, job security, social security etc goes), but the last few years, a couple of weird changes were made in a number of policies, which make me wonder if its for the best for the people…
Netflix in Holland does have a couple of older seasons, which I enjoy watching. It seems Netflix adds their own music to certain shows, which absolutely adds to the entertainment of the show.
I saw this thing start up and drive at Le Mans Classic.
Im sorry, but I cant approve your approval of his/her approval.
I swear, if that guy has a pizza on his roof, Im calling the police.
If you can see Jesus’ face in it, its time to pass the doobie!
Salsa? Seltzer? I wanted seltzer, not salsa!
Salsa? Seltzer? I wanted seltzer, not salsa!
I think this whole ‘ONE OF ONLY XXX’ train of thought makes people forget what they’re selling. Sure, the turd I dropped this morning is also a 1 of 1, but its still a turd.