
You’re really missing the point of what these awards are. I’m an American woman who lives in the UAE. These awards are supposed to encourage men to support women in the workplace and to hire/train/support more women within the federal workforce. Apparently these guys all run divisions who succeeded in diversifying the

I find Adam Driver so attractive.

What does that even mean?  Towards whom does one climb in Toronto?

I shop at Whole Foods.
I buy organic everything.
I buy in bulk.

I used to read these in the library and still vividly recall how, oftentimes, the emptiness and quiet of that section would suddenly give me the creeps.

Netflix should have a “hide” function so that this type of content can remain hidden from me once I see it come up in a list of shows, for the first time. For really bad shows there should be a “delete” function so that it’s next to impossible for it to come up on the screen again, through searches, etc.

I’ve never sprung for an entire grocery order, but I like to buy a grocery store gift card and leave it with the cashier to give to the next person in line. One cashier really gets into it and waits until she spots someone she thinks could use a happy little surprise, or looks like they need the help, or whatever. She

I read this book in college and realized after I finished it that I had almost zero emotional connection to anything that happened. I’ve noticed it on my bookshelf a few times lately and wondered if I should go back and try again - maybe I was just doing too much school-related reading to really dig into it. This makes

I didn’t understand a single thing in this article. 

I also can’t understand wanting to bring children into the world at this point.

I’m 100% upfront about it. “I don’t want kids, I will never have kids and I don’t want to raise someone else’s kids.”

why are the men (boys) so scared of everything? like seriously. why are they scared of growing older and committing to one partner? i don’t fucking get it.

I never wanted children, but if I had...man,that would suck. I can’t think of anyone I ever dated who would have made a suitable parent. It just seemed like I would have been giving up so much and doing just about everything myself even with a partner, and I wouldn’t want to do that. Women today want full partners,and

This is totally dark of me to say, but it’s finally time to let it out: I’m glad I don’t have children and I feel incredibly sorry for my friends who do. For any well-meaning, progressive, empathetic parent, really. The Baby Boomers gave us Millennials a broken economy and a broken Earth, now it seems they’re giving

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

honest question...

This is a saddening dose of reality. Even if the blue wave sweeps out Trump and the GOP, we’ll still be fucked for years to come because we have a Supreme Court that will gladly rule on the side of sexism, bigotry, and racism.

Why should other patrons be forced to dine with people actively committing human rights violations? People who torture children should eat at home. Remember, “I was just following orders” isn’t a defense. 

Can you.

Can we have a 500 Days of “Eat Shit, Ivanka” along the lines of Gawker’s 500 Days of feckless whatshername?