Dustyn Lyon

I feel sorry for the io9 staff. I am sure they know it's awful.

So true. The discussion traffic is on a downward spiral. The awful discussion system is the "most discussed" topic. Most disgusted.

I am starting to feel like our opinions are meaningless to the io9 staff. Here's the thing, this site is(was) a fun little diversion... now...not so much. I don't see why you expect MORE comments in the future.....well, maybe more complaints.

Kinja = New Coke

This "improvement" is just plain awful. It's killing my enthusiasm for io9, and it's embarrassing to watch you defend it.

You bring good point.

I kinda thought of the Capital as an oversized Aspen, CO. That would leave room for The Nut/Cheyenne Mtn to be in District 2 to the east.

Mountain Dew is NOT neon green. It is yellow.

Today's paranoid is tomorrow's Feral Ghoul...