
Any idea when today? I keep checking but it does not exist on bestbuy.com yet.



Thanks for the reply. Any reason it cannot access non-connected LinkedIn profile pics? These should be public.

This app sucks. I just spent $2 and it basically is useless. I connected to Facebook and it only sees the person's profile pic. You don't have to provide access to Facebook to see their public profile pic, so why does this app require this? Same thing with Twitter. Since many of my friends' profile pics are not

I prefer it because 90% of the time I don't need a full sheet.

Does Viva still have that weird smell?

I feel like you wrote this comment just so you could spell Dufresne.

I am still not sure I am following you.

PMI is not extortion and neither are closing costs. PMI is disclosed to the buyer. Your daughter knew what she was getting into and agreed to pay PMI instead of coming up with more of a down payment. As far as closing costs, there are costs involved with processing a mortgage. There are numerous fees (title fees,

You could have also done the math yourself right? I mean either 1) they miscalculated and you should have known that $X per month was not going to cover $Y total payments or 2) they did not estimate property tax, insurance, etc. costs going up as much as they did, which you wouldn't have been able to do either. If you

How is PMI a scam? PMI is an insurance product that is fully disclosed and is completely within the borrower's control on whether or not they end up needing to pay it, based on the amount of down payment they are willing to provide. Nobody is getting tricked into paying it.

It is not a "moral high ground" when you wait until the week of your new album release to pull your music off of Spotify to gain publicity and increase sales of the new album. I would believe her words if she did this months ago, but doing it now is just a ploy to get more money and I don't trust a word she says.

The nominations were made by readers and they take the top 5. Readers submitted these, not Alan.

That is basically the definition of a credit union. That is also why they call their customers "members". There are credit unions out there that are pretty open, such as the requirement to join is that you have to live in a certain county or basically have a job, but all credit unions typically have some membership

Yes, I have opened numerous support tickets around my missing transactions and unreliable bill pay experience. Most tickets took several days to get responded to and the answers are all the same. They are aware of the issue and looking into it. Unfortunately, three months is a very long time to have these core

In all honesty, Simple was great until they made this upgrade. I wanted you to be aware as I would want someone to do the same for me. I hope they get things fixed soon, but I am losing patience fast.

Do you work at Simple and know that the "majority" have not had the issue or is it because you and your sister are the majority? Pretty bold statement to make without knowing the actual number of customers impacted.

Angel from Montgomery

I too bank with Simple and it has been a horrible experience for the past several months. Ever since they upgraded their system on August 6, all of their core banking services have gone to shit. Their bill pay service is not reliable, not sending out payments on time nor indicating if a payment will be sent