man that north korean chap is packing an absolute hammer
man that north korean chap is packing an absolute hammer
*While the field-level audio in the clip above isn’t crystal clear*
Uh, did aliens hijack your video?
Wait why can’t they change HR policies after an employee is hired?
I believe Michael Jordan was gambling on the NBA (himself) and Stern made him take a year off, hence the baseball year.
Yeah but Pedro is from Spain. Expecting him to know the first US president is kind of silly...
Yeah you see, the joke is that Spain doesn't even have a president.
Exactly. Woah. People don't know the history of every country in the world? What idiots!
This is a pretty arrogant and therefore AMERICAN AS FUCK column. Why would they know American history? You think any NBA guys who play preseason games in Spain know their first president? Or any history of the country?
I feel like I read this same story every single Olympic cycle...
yes because the WNBA is successful and the NFL is not... hmm
Wait, an old rich person is not a progressive thinker?!
You mean, you can’t afford to take every day off to go to Starbucks with your child and teach them life lessons not found in a school? You monster.
Alternately titled, “Have a rich husband and attachhement issues”
Stupid. Yes. Racist? What?
youre in the comment section of a post about game of thrones but you don’t want game of thrones to be spoiled. WHAT?!?!
Hopefully you guys didn’t pay too much for this vdieo
or I can change my profile picture to have a rainbow over it.
This is fake.