
Pretty sure this kid could do a better job at leaving Cars and Coffee than a Mustang driver.

Just because you thought a mid-sized Ford was at good as an Audi twice the price doesn’t make it bad.

Jesus Christ that’s Jason Bourne.

That’s a good goal.

This shit again:

I see your perfect Tempo and raise you a perfect four wheel drive one:

Wheely dude, are you for wheel?


“Beady eyed little fuck” is now my favorite adjective.

True, there are many people agreeing, but you somewhat have a history of posting obnoxious contrarian comments. See your TH’s one from earlier.

You are trolling. On mulitple FP articles, you leave contrarian and unpopular opinions, and have done so numerous times. This shows a common pattern of posting these things purely to rile up people and get attention. Further more, telling the commentor to “fuck off, kid” undermines your own argument- you’re arguing

What’s to stop a wooden house from catching fire because of a cooking accident? Happens all of the time.

Not every one can afford that. People are just trying to indulge their hobby without breaking the bank.

Sorry dude, but it’s his property; he can do what he wants. If it were in the road, it would be different, but the fact is he bought the house and cars with his own money and parked the vehicles titled in his name on the property with his name on the deed. Furthormore, the case in your scenario could be overruled with

2 is definitely a Renault R10.

Why won’t anyone pay me to do this?

If this means I can buy a Shelby Cobra for cheap when I’m old and close to death, I’m all for it. Sure, death happens, but YOLO. After all, isn’t Jalopnik’s motto “Drive Free or Die”? God bless old people living out their dreams.

No offense, but you’re wrong. I live in a rural area. The nearest town is 15 minutes by car, on two roads which are high traffic and have no shoulder. There aren’t many jobs in that town, because it’s small. The next nearest towns are accessible either by a string of rural backroads or going on the highway. How do you

Trump could have easily quit during the primaries, even if he was ahead. There’s nothing stopping him . . . . besides his ego.