
Way to go humanity! I’d expect nothing less after you proved yourself smart enough to elect Trump!

For a minute there I wasn’t sure if those were boobs or not.

I feel unjustifiably compelled to try this....

Do you have any links to what the bathing etiquette for trans people is? Not all trans people can afford or want bottom surgery and that would make naked bathing complicated.

I’ve so little sympathy left for information corporations I’m having trouble not rooting for the grumpy grandpa.

+10 For that Muriel cosplay. She knocked it outta the park.

“Samurai Champloo” and “Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood” are 2 of my fondest memories from high school.

Even if this were just a Roku setop box I dig the form factor, especially the red one. Very stylish.

Now playing

Unless he’s struggling with some form of mental illness. That’s not to say you couldn’t be right, but if you don’t want to shut down dialogue and turn everything into black&white right vs wrong then you’ve got to be willing to provide some measured benefit of the doubt.

The full quote is, “I would love to sit down and have an open conversation with them and have an open mind and apologize,” which sounds like he wants to have an open mind and be more sensitive, but he doesn’t know how. A little empathy goes a long way to helping people like this man become more accepting.

“..you can only be what you see.”

Her furry porn must be epic.

lol, yeah, I’m pretty sure you have to be stoned to work at Marvel.

This is exactly why I get my MMO kicks from Neverwinter these days. Because there mechanics and coordination matter far more than raw stat advantage a.k.a. ‘tuning’.

Why is it so hard to just get those graphics coupled together with a tiled map-building system, character creation tool and online multiplayer capability? I mean all the current 2D applications are serviceable, but I don’t know many nerds who wouldn’t kill for an animated HD tabletop they could play with friends over

The cords in the picture are actual length.

Adjust the difficulty in assaulting gyms up and you won’t gain as many new players, but you’ll get more revenue from the players who pay. Adjust the difficulty down and the revenue from paying players goes down but you attract more new customers into your circle. Niantic wants to be able to balance that and cheaters

If Niantic just made the game not-suck they wouldn’t have this problem. But I’ve noticed they only seem to care about improvements to the game that favor their cash store. That’s why series staples like trading and PvP battles have been eschewed for fine tuning gyms and capture rates. They’re trying to dial in how

They’ll add graphics settings to consoles once we allow them to put drones in our underwear drawers.

Frame rates in shooters has been a thing since Win95/98. I think because part of the fun of PC gaming is fine-tuning your game to your liking.