This makes me wonder if there’s been any attempts at roleplaying ‘Super heroes’ in this game.
This makes me wonder if there’s been any attempts at roleplaying ‘Super heroes’ in this game.
Because then they can force you to play HotS to unlock everything.
See, there you go doing it again.
Your insecurity is showing...
The cute is palpable.
Including by people being offended!
Manufactured scarcity can fuck right off.
Pfft, physics is for squares!
So THAT’s what the healer is doing when we wipe.
If you’d rolled a high enough knowledge check you’d know it’s the Drow. They’re everywhere, running everything and their spies crawl in your mouth while you sleep....
As a beige person born and raised in a primarily beige neighborhood I’ve done some accidentally offensive stuff since moving to the south as I’ve learned just how entrenched racism still is in the USA, but this is just beyond well-intentioned ignorance. This is nuts.
That explains so much!
It’s Carnage!
As a MtF trans person myself; The trans community really needs a reality check. If you’re going to espouse that you’re on the wrong side of a demarcation point then you can’t suddenly say demarcation points don’t exist when it suits you. Especially if you believe there shouldn’t be any gender markers, then WHY on any…
Babies are not cute. They are little oozing flesh monsters.
It’s Brienne of Tarth!
Shoutout to all the Japanese girls who ask their parents to put up samurai armor instead of dolls.
They really have polished Shatner melodrama to a mirror shine.
Before Trump I would’ve found this a fun pun. After Trump it’s just a depressing reminder of the drain we’re currently swirling around...
My Bieber sense is tingling. How long do you think it’ll be before he forgets to turn his stream off at just the wrong moment?