
Only $40K a night to get beat up? Sign me up!

And in movies where cabs magically appear when you need one

S.P.E.C.I.A.L, and obviously put it into Luck

But at least they serve droids there.

I'm hoping for a "NO NO NO LIKE THIS!" piano-key-rigged-up-to-nitro gag in the near future

Wholesome Amish Bass Thump

There just aren't that many songs you could choose for a movie about boys coming back to town

I wonder if they sell purple horseshoe suits …

as well as Midlife Crisis Billy Corgan a.k.a. Pitbull

This is where I stopped reading the comic book. I also stopped watching the show wherever it was was at that time too.

He ends up in a room with a giant wall of text that reads "Created by Warren Robinett"

Papa John's!

Wait, do you think the MiB is just playing another in-game quest without realizing it?

He loved his dead gay son!

Where do whores go? And where does the sherry go that they drink?

"First things first: Gloria finding herself unable to get back to her “normal” speech delivery after seeing Joe’s therapist was the best bit of comedy I’ve seen on this show in ages. "

No, they'll be in the WTC for that twist

even pumpkin spice Ed Harris?

She looks like Jennifer Lawrence cosplaying Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls in that movie. Freaked me out.

I still cringe whenever I see this guy, because he bombed so hard on "Thank God You're Here"