Vigilante justice. If I saw a guy's name on that list, I would avoid him if he were interested in me.
Vigilante justice. If I saw a guy's name on that list, I would avoid him if he were interested in me.
I am dying of laughter here. I started giggling at NOPEROTEMY and by the time it got to NOPESHITTYNOPENOPEBANGBANG NOPE it was out of control.
I always gave massive side eye to other waiters who fucked with people's food. That shit can rebound on the entire restaurant
...a lobster mac'n'cheese (ugh, I know)...
If they aren't staying past the restaurant's closing time, you can go fuck yourself with that sentiment.
you're not a woman, you're an MRA fake. If there's no rape culture you really have nothing to worry about. You should be a very happy chappy. Why are you on here denying furiously what doesn't exist? What doesn't exist can't trouble you. Now fuck off, and when you attract the wrong man with your sycophantic…
....what lived experiences are you talking about? How can your lived experiences possibly prove that rape culture doesn't exist.
You either suck at trolling, or you suck at getting your point across. It's too early for me to jump to conclusions, so please, clarify!
Gosh, why wont people just agree with you when you invalidate their experiences? If they don't let you oppress them, then it's like their oppressing you right? Logic, man.
Did sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming make the people you disagree with go away?
Sure you're a woman. Suuuure ...
Please don't anyone engage this troll. Resist the urge. It's time to take back the Internet.
Gee, thanks for letting the women know ! I guess they were wrong about this the whole time.
"For not pressing on the soft spot on my head when I was a baby... Even though deep down you really wanted to."
The best part is that he said this in a previous discussion: "So why are women allowed to gender stereotype men as dangerous, rapey animals"
Sally Field and Julia Roberts were on Jimmy Kimmel last night, where they participated in a Celebrity Curse-Off.
I have the *worst* coworker right now. She's a borderline alcoholic, and since we work Sunday mornings (at a food court/cafeteria type place) she comes in hungover every week. She tells me "funny" stories about how she hasn't slept at her own house for two weeks and lost her friend's shoes, and once woke up in the…
This is my spouses story. He's an auditor for the state. He basically audits companies to make sure they pay their L&I taxes. He doesn't audit small mom and pop shops, but usually multimillion dollar a year companies. Needless to say, nobody wants to see him when he shows up to audit them.
When I was in my early 20's, I had a full time job with a federal agency ... but decided I could cure my "boredom" with a job in fast food.
I worked at TGI Fridays about 15 years ago and have a bagillion stories, but here is one of the more tame ones: