
Woaaah! You're not a parent? Then how should you know exactly how you'd act as a parent. You actually don't. So step off. And have you played the game? Or are you just trolling because at this point it seems like we're all arguing with a wall. No, wait, a wall is more intelligent.

My sister has one. They're affordable, portable, and replaceable. Effective to boot. I'd also reccomend Da Buddha Vape. Best smoking session I've ever had. Female/20 over here! My profile picture is of a dude but I am not one! Stoner girls foeva!

I think she's lying in the reasons she gave him, but that just coming from someone who used to know her very well. She could have changed since then, but I don't know, this just seems like another 'performance' for her.

Yeah, no. I LITERALLY grew up with one of the girls in the article.

Is it bad that I grew up with one of these girls, and know she rejects everyone because she just doesn't like relationships? Not for any other reason than that. Which is fine in my book, more power to you. But that makes me feel a little bleh about this article. Idk.

It's sad that you're so full of rage you just assume everyone who says anything that doesn't quite fit into your belief system is a troll.

Hey maybe you should actually read what I post before you decide to go on an angry tirade.

I agree with this, I was just responding to what the OP posted. I don't really stand up for him unless I'm playing devils advocate, and even then I feel bad about doing so.

My argument is usually relating to his psyche. He had a very damaging childhood, and many things in his life seemed to be incredibly traumatic. IE, his wife having her bowels ripped out while pregnant in his house while he was away.

It's a remake, not a reboot. Reboots are more for shows and series. One of my weird pet peeves. Although, I really want to see this film haha

Do you not realize there is a way to link profiles on PSN so you can share any digital downloads each person gets. You can only do it with one person, and if you delete that persons profile, you can't do it with anyone else. This policy makes sense. People still need to get paid. But they want you to be able to play

Stop it. We already disproved all of your facts. Go somewhere where your opinion is wanted.

My moms best friend's company does the marketing for First 5. You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to say something to her, seeing as she oversees everything that goes out. I'm really disappointed in them for letting this be released. They should know better.

This article makes me so happy.

My word, Harry looks so excited to be given a fleece.

That was essentially the same reaction I had, but the trailer was pretty alright. It's produced by Seth McFarlane I think.

I think Brenda's going to be in that new show, Dad's, on Fox with Giovanni Ribisi and Seth Green.

This video had been circulating for a few days now. I back him up mainly because I've experienced so many teachers like this. And it's so frustrating and sometimes there's just a point where you need to say something. Everything he said made sense and she just kept writing him off like she didn't care. How can he be

I have a food blog, and I post pictures of my food on my personal instagram normally. Last time I checked, I didn't have an eating disorder. Just throwing that out there.

When I was in 8th grade, I wore a strapless dress, and I came out just fine.