
Fuck I'm going to miss this show

I remember hearing on a Simpsons commentary track how Don Rickles refused to be a guest star on the show because the part they wrote for him portrayed him as just really mean. Despite being known for his insults, he was quite protective of his reputation as a nice guy.

The flavor's coming from inside your body!

Play It As It Flays

"And it almost killed me!" - Craig Finn, guest vocals at live show a few years back

I hope you die!


He's certainly not the Jew or the Italian.

If it's anything like Craft Corner Death Match, I'm in.

Matt Gourley of I Was There Too. I could listen to him all day, with his weird little tangents and just-enough awkwardness.


Ball is in: Parking Lot.


The Perfect Strangers reboot we've all been waiting for.

I still maintain that I would gladly support the AV Club through a subscription-type service, if it meant getting TV Club Classic back.

Fuck yeah. I love this stupid, brilliant show.

Man, I miss TV Club Classic reviews…

Don't you just hate pants?!

Anyone else read that excerpt in Werner Herzog's voice?

I'm more partial to something like Brick.