
They would make for a fucking awesome manicure.

I kind of love the octopus dress. It's crazy and weird enough to work - if you're a marine researcher or something.

Such a kind-hearted bear. Lololol forever. But that bear is damn cute.

I'm glad he's able to contribute to bear conservation by raising orphaned cubs, but COME ON. These are still wild animals, dude.

I'm not ready for a Mexican red-leg T! Haha. I'm thinking about "graduating" to a pink-toe though. I think I can handle one of those beauties now. Maybe.

YES, they totally do. When I first acquired my rosies, I was freaked out by everything - ie, I kept thinking they were dying or something. Each one exhibits unique behavior regarding grooming, webbing and even eating. It's really interesting contrasting my two.

I'm not surprised really. My car was broken into on State Street and a witness actually wrote down the license plate of the people who robbed me. SB police never even looked into it (even though the theft value was over $500) and told me to check Craigslist for my items. Thanks, dudes.

I'm a keeper of two Chilean rose hairs and this post is making me squee with happiness. The winning tarantula is truly a beautiful creature.

I hate to break it to you, but she probably has the same amount of contouring as usual. If it's done well, it shouldn't be obvious.


Right?! And the fact that he's shirtless means diddly squat. This would be a non-issue if he had a shirt on, but being shirtless is not inherently sexual. I'm thankful that I (hopefully) do not run in the same circles as these outraged prudes. Gah.

Betrays the intent of the people in the photo? And dare say, what is that? Maybe the photographer is about to join them for a threesome? You're reaching.

It pisses me off too! Not to mention that loveable mutts tend to have TONS more genetic diversity and overall better health. Plus, if you're really jonesing for a particular breed, you can request that a shelter calls you when one comes in, or find a breed-specific rescue.

Wait - they are just now realizing that inbreeding causes homozygosity and leads to a decrease in genetic diversity and an increase in deleterious alleles? This shit ain't exactly breaking news.

Thank you for sharing your story! I find this video so positive because not too long ago (and currently as your story shows) women were/are seeking out unsafe abortion procedures. I'm so amazed and happy that so many people will see this video and realize how medically safe it is. I am so sorry you had to go through

Yep! We womyn LOVE abortions. I'm hoping for a one night stand tonight, just so I can have my 10th procedure! Abortion is so much fun, ya'll.


Laziness could definitely be the answer to my question.

I came in here looking for a live adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, and I am leaving with chills from this trailer! I can't wait to see it.