This is beyond fascinating. Why the hell have I wasted over 10 years of my life in finance when I could be spending my days looking forward to work and trying to discover amazing things such as this?
This is beyond fascinating. Why the hell have I wasted over 10 years of my life in finance when I could be spending my days looking forward to work and trying to discover amazing things such as this?
That’s a Mirror Universe tribble.
¡Muy Am-bien!
Who doesn’t remember “Bill Nye the Science Guy. Bill! Bill! Bill!”
Horse meets Crashed Spaceship. A love story that’s better than Twilight.
Jumanji adds a Martha...
Re: Episode IX - Force ghosts can have beards as well. Just sayin’... :)
What an ultra maroon. Whatta gull-a-bull. What a nin-cow-poop. What an imbessile. You call yourself a mounty? You can’t catch me, you couldn’t catch a cold.
That’s crazy talk, how are they going to fit a submarine inside that dome?!
Thanks for taking me back in time. Also so the creators get their props, here’s the original.
So... slightly high Jalop heaven?
Time can neither slow down nor speed up, my friend. We’re all on the same thread, cruising through the universe, man.
CSI:MacGyver’s A-Team’s Impossible Missions
MacGyver and guns is a big NO-NO
It’s okay...
But really Top Gear has been in Simpsons for years.