I was the audience until he just kept doing the same thing over and over.
I was the audience until he just kept doing the same thing over and over.
Ugh, way to eclipse my joke.
No, you’re thinking of Doglores Claibone.
I get the Faculty mixed up with Teaching Mrs. Tingle, which is odd, because if anything I should be getting Teaching Mrs. Tingle mixed up with Disturbing Behaviour, since they seem to share a lot of cast.
“Serbia Coach Wants Referee ‘Sent to The Hague’” https://bit.ly/2EIJrVZ
Except he’s right. People use “the hague” to mean the detention center all the freaking time. Like right from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hague_(disambiguation): “The International Court of Justice is based in The Hague, Netherlands and commonly known as “The Hague”.” I’m sure he was perfectly aware The Hague is a…
I think it’s grounds to be kicked out of medical school at least.
“The fire’s too hot! It makes me maaaaaaaad!”
Wasn’t it great when they took Adams’ murdered male friend and turned him into a female love interest? One of the lowest bars of “based on a true story” Hollywood.
John Waters agrees.
I had a friend to LOVED Patch Adams. We are not friends anymore, needless to say.
genuinely can’t wait to hate watch this on edibles in the middle of the day and laugh like de niro in cape fear.
Or worse, Carrell’s Patch Adams.
“here he’s stuck playing a cloying, childlike caricature of damaged genius—the kind of role Robin Williams, rest his soul, might have mugged his way through in the late ’90s.”
“It’s a rocketship!”
In the case of Sheedy and Nelson’s characters, absolutely. They allow themselves to be seduced by the popular kids without a second thought or the recognition that they’ll be discarded as soon as Ringwald and Estevez are done with them. Hall is still just biding time until his brain becomes more important than his…
Goth Clea DuVall is so hot it is unfair
glad to meet another “farts aren’t all that funny” believer. i never got those moments on “all in the family” when archie flushes the toilet off-stage as some kind of comment to meathead & the audience convulses in laughter. sadly, i write children’s plays so i have to have a few farts now and then.