
I only care if the novel features a love story between a man

She needs a safe space!

Now playing

Any excuse I can get to pull this one out (the mayhem starts at 1:23):

Picasso is the only artist that could accurately portray Sander’s asymmetrical features.

Mike Huckabee has tweeted about this.

If you showed the painting to somebody who didn’t know Sanders and asked them to imagine what the subject actually looked like, I bet the image in their head would be more attractive than the real deal.

A pretty predictable ending, but a satisfying one nonetheless. If there’s one thing this show continues to get right, it’s its gruesome celebrity cameo deaths.

Thank God something finally worked out for Oprah Winfrey.

He was given two years to live in 1963. This is a life well earned by any measure.

Laura Dern is the best I’m glad she’s had a recent career resurgence. 

Somehow I just knew we’d see a recognitions scolding from high upon the peak of Mount Purity.

Ouch! You sure showed me! Be sure to tell all your black and female friends!

In other news, hipsters take offense at success of harmless living joke that insults their artistic sensibility by existing.

It’s crazy to me that people still use the term “hipster” for people that like things that they don’t like.