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The music of the hypothetic trailer looks like a Cowboy Bebop track :

@1:39, Tricky ?

Like a lot of people, my awakening this morning was painful, and not because of alcohol... (painful is a very weak word)

Nice. The view and perspective reminds me of New Port City (GITS)

someone said Macross ???

2) Seasons on console — goddamn finally

I think the reason is because this year the event did not really allow grinding for these masks and that the only way to get these rare items was to throw money at your screen.

is there any definitive date for Destiny 2 or is it still around 2017 ...

there was an interesting number that came late last week, about Destiny (via SuperData)

ah .. okay. I did not really follow all the ARG about Sombra but it makes sense indeed.

ah .. okay. I did not really for all the ARG about Sombra but it makes sense indeed.


I loved the first one, and so far this one is as good.

Basically Blizzard is looking to create the NFL or NBA of Overwatch esports. Teams will be based around major cities, fostering regional fan and player bases.

ask an expert ...

it looks like ...

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what about the grandma who played GTA5 (as Trevor ...) ?

correct ; I guess a daily-basis is not really meaningful but taking the moving average (monthly) may give a better appreciation of the stock. Also we can look even more in the past : 2008-2009 were really the golden year for Nintendo. (not sure for Sony because at some point the consoles merged with all the other