
at first I thought it was based on Soul Cal.’s sword

anyone knows if those [sexy] wings are finally available on consoles ?

squenix = biggest troll ever ?

enhanced edition

QUOTE | “I am no longer a full- or part-time Valve employee, no longer involved in day-to-day decision or operations, no longer a spokesman for the company, no longer privy to most types of confidential information, no longer working on Valve games in any capacity.” - Half-Life 1 and 2 writer, explaining that he has

the 2nd speedrunner did also something amazing. He was using a different pattern : the 2 left columns of arrows were moving up and the 2 on the right were moving down ... while spinning.

of course he’s not human

not sure if it’s a reference but “Max Power” was the name of Homer in an episode

the first question is :

once you see it ...

PC only ?

I can see some people happy with this news. Of course it does not mean matchmaking or dedicated servers but somehow it goes in that direction if Activision wants to put Destiny on e-sport

  1. stop the controller flying

And no, that doesn’t include the CD-I games. Or should it? Hmm.

can we expect this from a western company ?

just because it’s funny (and so true that Sony has plans to fix their network)

yep, good point for P5

a dog brought back to life this month

And here’s hoping 2016 brings us more great gaming dogs.

Now playing

same here, this video was is still amazing.