yeah! Thanks for the heads up (I should have checked there before). It is listed as their “ Booth line up preview” :
yeah! Thanks for the heads up (I should have checked there before). It is listed as their “ Booth line up preview” :
it’s interesting (but sad) that the game is not listed anymore for Vita, but only PS4 and PC :
about the indie games : is there any news of Galak Z ?
KOF never dies. It has been here since ‘94. Personally I’m not a fan of the Ash arc story but some character design (2001-2003 for example) were pretty good.
so I guess it’s not this summer we will see EVA 4.0, right ?
E3 2003 : the Reaction Guys ... because source of too many memes
so I’ll keep you guys updated on this
It shoots darts, you guys. Darts.
Jet Set Radio ?
I was about to answer the same as Donald. Remember Me may be also one of the best soundtrack. The combination of orchestra and distorted sounds (I guess tit was to refer to the process of re-writing memories in the game) is really nice.
I don’t know. It would be great though if Catalyst = change, they may also the type of soundtrack. It all depends on the gameplay / ambience in the game. Solar Fields soundtrack matched very well with Mirror’s Edge
time for some [very good] Mirror’s Edge soundtrack ... because REASONS !!!
speaking of Gainax :
this extra-move would have been called : Inception-Guile
if you can use old players in your roster like Ewing, maybe ...
Addressed disappearing projectiles
no I mean DLC time exclusive for xbox1
yesterday xbox1 cover was on front, now xbox1 is right after Besthesda name ...
the game is quite “artsy”. I remember I took pictures of the different graffitis you see in the game :
great job, Richard, for not having used fast travel (if there is fast travel), because we all know that :