thanks for the answer. It makes sense also with what Senselocke said below.
In ~1 month ... the wait is almost over
not really gaming but since Akira is here.
games are listed in alphabetical order ...
chibi MITSURU !!!!!!!!!
time travel , a prehistoric woman, an inventor/computer genius, a robot, an evil man
I'm confused here. So of what materials is made your body ? It may be simple to summarize things like this but : DNA —> cells —> muscles, bones
You can't change your hardware, that's your DNA. But you can definitely upgrade your mental software by questioning & learning every day.
Gon was originally a manga
correct, I didn't think about this issue. In that case, don't use music at all and keep only the sound effects of the game.
great (and funny) stunts ; poor music (it should be forbidden to use this kind of music by now)
she beats the 3-breasted woman in Total recall
I missed him on Kotaku :-(
yeah! I often took pictures of the game I'm playing (just to remember or because it's a funny moment) and I have quite a lot of the grafitis à-la-Banksy in Remember me
agree. NeoParis is full of details, it's sad that we cannot interact more with the environments. About the fighting system : I remember DontNod was saying that you can resume a combo after a dodge but it's quite impossible when there are 5 guys surrounding you.
This first effort from Dontnod Entertainment clearly needed more time in the oven but I was wholly won over by the fantastic world-building and overarching conceit in Remember Me. Clunkiness aside, the game's signature Memory Remix sequences delivered moments that I'd never played in a game before. Here's hoping we…