what I was meaning is that Sony build the online "aspect" of the PS$ mostly on facebook. So if 1 day facebook changes the rules, the PSN will be affected too.
off topic but with the [very calm] music in the background of the video, I want to replay ff6 now.
Picture this Friday as a crucial moment in the great Sony relay race. The PS3 is handing off the baton, and just as it happens, time seems to freeze. The next runner, the PS4, has taken the hand-off but hasn't quite landed its first stride. The PS3 will keep running for a time, coasting on its own momentum. The PS4…
Thanks for the review Stephen [and Kotaku staff]
for those who loves Gravity Daze OST, the author also did both Gunbuster and Top2 (aka DieBuster)
1)game : FFxiii
playing the daily challenges is a terrible addiction, and an evil idea from Ubi :-)
The Pokémon X & Pokémon Y Super Music Collection contains 212 tracks
I replay in 1999 mode because my first playthrough was in normal mode.
why does he have to press the controller to come back to the game (@0:45) and not say things like : "Xbox, unsnap activities feeds" ?
okay. I have the japanese mangas too and they're are quite excellent. It takes some time to read it (some kanjis are not translated as in the Jump Comics - for example- so I have to find their meaning in a dictionary)
yeah but your 2) is pretty sad.