Bell Swerve

Sansa was present when Lysa confessed to murder.

I wonder if it was because this group were devout to The Seven/New Gods rather than the Lord of Light. Melisandre would have burned them all alive.

Forests that Balon left untouched for decades just because.

I have a feeling Loras is going to be the Faith's champion, taking the same route Margaery did of escaping from Baelor's by appearing devout. It would be a neat throw back to the jousting tourney in Season 1.

Maybe Sansa wants to get confirmation that the Vale will help before she tells Jon. If the raven was intercepted by Ramsay or Littlefinger didn't respond she would have needlessly opened up to Jon and Davos about her conversation with LF and they would probably judge her for either accepting or refusing his help, even

I love Asha/Yara and really hope we get to see her meet up with Dany. Which could be as early as episode 9 with how quickly she's sailed so far + Dany flying Dragon Air.

Well technically Jon and Sansa aren't Starks. She may have been pushed into marrying Tyrion and Ramsay but Mormont and Glover didn't see that. And Jon is a bastard. The only thing that could activate their duty is that Lord Rickon Stark is still alive, albeit imprisoned. With the difference in army size Glover would

In a different city - Volantis.

He would need to have taken her face to do that. So whilst Arya's still alive when we see Maisie it's Arya.

They're not near each other - Theon is in Volantis on the bridge Tyrion visited last season. And he's about to head to Meereen. Arya would have to take a big detour from her plan if she ends up in the East.

No. she's. not. She is showing great foresight by swallowing her pride and taking up Littlefinger's offer instead of marching on Winterfell with scraps of soldiers.

I didn't like how she spoke about Davos but he did support Stannis and if the world has taught her anything it's that you can't trust people to stick with one side. She was in a desperate situation in Kings Landing and allowed Dontos to help her escape after the Wedding. She only found out it was Littlefinger later,

the Waif is in Arya's way and Arya will kill her if she has to so my big bet is that Waif dies. If Arya escapes will the Waif follow her? Jaqen was in Kings Landing so they do travel. Could be cool to have her on Arya's tails.

I think that might be the right outcome, and I say that as someone who enjoys the show. Free Frank and Colman and have them join the main show as guest stars for a few eps.

I love Victor. I mean, I hate him but I find his awfulness so enjoyable. I think Harry Treadaway is just nailing it. Can't wait for Ethan and Vanessa to find out all the shit he's done and put him in his place.

I wouldn't say he has grown into the role because I found right in episode 1 he had a handle on it. Ethan leapt off the screen. I don't think his character can carry a show though, as shown in this episode.

I think she now knows how to make and detect poison though, which would be very useful. Perhaps she'll take down the Mountain with it.

Well she just opened up a vacancy for the role of Sansa. Would be pretty neat if she had to get into her sister's mind.

She's also learned poisoning, 'a woman's weapon' as the Hound said. I would be shocked and saddened if she didn't poison one of her enemies before the show ends.

Oh no, that's sad. I wonder how someone could deal with all that tragedy up close.