Bell Swerve

Maybe Dr Sweet isn't a cover story, maybe he just stole the real Dr Sweet's life and boned up on natural history.

Not just that, he also wanted to destroy another friendship for Victor. That's one of the reasons Victor was so scared of him in S1.

Interesting episode, particularly the spiritual beliefs. Celia is fairly terrifying. I found Strand and Nick's heartbreak very touching, especially as it was done without whiny angst or shouting. Madison could do with learning some tact but the moment with her, Strand and Thomas was nice.

His parents were probably Scottish.

I also feel like Nick earned that 5 second emotional retreat. It had been maybe 20 minutes since he saw his new friend Luis dying and now he has to kill a kid who doesn't look gross like other walkers. He is the one that gets it - he realised quickly that the world has gone to hell and it's sunk in that he's going to

It's been renewed for another season and still gets high ratings, without an expensive cast, so it can afford to play a long-game. I'm not sure it is though.

I think Strand probably recognises drug addiction just from being a man of the world. He probably witnessed a lot of withdrawal just in the chaos from Katrina.

Imagine if the writers are actually revealing the origins of the sickness - no bacterial infection but a middle aged housekeeper from Mexico performing witchcraft.

A handy crop in an apocalypse.

Looking forward to the Season 4 journey through the Panama Canal

I feel like Colman and Frank Dillane are in a different show to the others, a far better show that explores what people go through to get the things they desire (love, drugs) and how they hide those desires from others. I hope to see scenes of Nick supporting Strand in his grief but I think he'll probably relapse or

I read that scene differently - I think he was just being weirdly interested in the knife rather than picked it up to do harm to Alicia or Maddie. That's what I got from his reaction anyway. I also think his threat to Alicia was more him acting tough than being a psycho.

Electric gates close automatically, don't worry.

That's how interestig Dorne is that I immediately scanned past it to better storylines

+ Dorne

You can see with Clarke it's absolutely in her nature to lead. Not because she loves power but because she can't sit by whilst someone screws things up (like Bellamy getting the kids to take their wristbands off). There was no place for her in Arkadia under her mother's Chancellorship. Aside from the episodes she

Clarke's pragmatism is one of my favourite traits of hers and I think it might be why she isn't angry towards Bellamy. It's not that she particularly forgives him or is ok with what he did, just that she accepts that she needs him to overcome ALIE and being angry is a waste of energy right now. Plus the whole 'there

Just the first two seasons she does around 905:

It's been the making of him. Which means he'll probably die before long.

You're right, 3 wolves (phew!).