
She said she had to turn off the radio or television whenever he was on. She said she had no further contact with him. It turns out she sent him flirtatious emails after the fact. When a trial relies almost exclusively on witness testimony, and that testimony turns out not to be true, it’s a big fucking problem for

The live tweets said the defense team looked very relaxed as they left the court. There’s no way Ghomeshi is convicted now.

“You kicked my ass last night and that makes me want to f—- your brain out. Tonight.”

What are you talking about? It was another bloodbath.

The trial is a he said/she said. How else do you expect Ghomeshi’s lawyer to defend him? The trial relies on testimony and Ghomeshi’s defense team has found numerous inconsistencies in in the stories of the two accusers.

I’m not sure the accusers have tripped on peripheral details. The first accuser claimed she was deeply disturbed when she saw Ghomeshi’s face on the television or heard him on the radio after the alleged incident. Turns out she had sent him flirty emails after the alleged attack. She claimed it was “bait” but her

The trial has been a bloodbath so far. Both accusers have been shown to not be credible. Ghomeshi’s lawyer has been ruthless.